Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Halo 3 Beta Codes Sold by Sleazy European Website

The Xbox Community Network has sent out a hard-nosed letter to some European indie websites, warning that being caught selling beta codes will lead to exile from the XCN program.  The Halo 3 multiplayer beta scheduled for spring of 2007 has attracted a lot of fan attention, with 360 owners desperate to get in on an early view of the game.  Allegedly, a mystery fan site in the UK has resorted to selling off some of their beta codes, instead of giving them away.

In Europe, Microsoft opted not to go with an open registration, instead looking to fan sites as a way to distribute Halo 3 beta access.  The plan was to have the codes released through contests and not for profit, but some people have let greed get in the way.

Britxbox, which is in the small group of 15 sites selected to participate in the program, reported on the letter they received about the controversy.  Microsoft has not yet identified, or revealed, who the offending parties are but made it clear that they are watching.  Britxbox has no involvement in the codes for cash scheme, and is upset that the controversy could cast indie websites in a bad light.

Click here to read complete article, (Source: Planet Xbox 360)

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