Sunday, December 10, 2006

Should you buy a Wii or an Xbox 360… or wait for the PS3?

It depends on your self-image, or that of the person you’re buying it for. Nintendo’s Wii goes on sale in Europe tomorrow with its innovative motion-sensing TV remote-like controller. (…) it’s the perfect family-friendly console with family-friendly games.

That’s not to say you can’t make hardcore games for the Wii. The universally appealing epic Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess and the more grown-up Metroid Prime: Corruption prove that you can. But if when you look in the mirror you see a hardcore gamer in need of the highest technology on offer, then you would be better off with Microsoft’s Xbox 360 (…).

If you’ve not got a 360 and can bear the delayed gratification (since you’ve had an entire 12 months to buy one already) you might want to wait until next March, as rumours abound of a possible Xbox 360 price cut - perhaps to coincide with the European release of Sony’s PlayStation 3. Microsoft must be somewhat reluctant to drop the Xbox 360’s price, though, as it has only just started (in the past fortnight) making a profit on each console sold. Merrill Lynch Japan Securities recently estimated that Sony will make a loss of $240 (182 euro) on every PS3 sold.

Nintendo, meanwhile, is crowing - it refuses to play the loss-leader game and boasts of making a profit on every console or handheld it sells. Under the bonnet, the Wii is very low-tech, but the innovative thinking that led to its mould-breaking control system effectively masks its weediness. And perversely, that lack of power means developers can create games for it without needing large (and expensive) teams of programmers, artists and animators.

The PS3, which will arrive in Europe in March, is a fine machine bristling with technology that will, eventually, outgun the Xbox 360. But it only has two compelling launch games - Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm (…).

At the moment, Nintendo and Microsoft look like the big winners in the next-generation console wars. Nintendo is set to make the most money, while Microsoft garners the most credibility among gamers. Sony won’t be joining the party in any significant way until late next year.

Click here to read complete article, (Source: xbox 360 - Google News)

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