Saturday, December 9, 2006

50,000 UK Wii Sold in 12 Hours

Filed under news that really doesn't surprise anyone, the Wii is off to a great start in the UK, where Nintendo is reporting more than 50,000 consoles were sold in the first 12 hours since the midnight launches began. I've a feeling that number would be a lot higher had there been more systems available. Nintendo, needless to say, is overjoyed:

Said Nintendo UK general manager David Yarnton, "We are delighted with the amazing response to Wii and that people of all ages and gaming experience are embracing the way that we are turning the industry on its head. With so many units sold it is great to see that people will be enjoying Wii with their families this Christmas.

Yarnton goes on to restate their dedication to getting product into gamers' hands. Starting to feel a little bad for you folks in the UK. Sure, you guys have your awesome rewards program, but you have to sit and watch everyone else have fun, hoping they'll be some left over. It's like every college party I ever went to. *sniffles*

Click here to read complete article, (Source: wii - Google News)

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