Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Xbox 360’s Launch 2.0

Despite the launches of Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Nintendo’s Wii, interest in Microsoft’s Xbox 360 remains high.

Compete.com traffic analysts are saying that the Amazon.com Thanksgiving Day promotion could be called “Launch 2.0” for Microsoft’s console.

Game Daily
has Compete's Max Freiert quoted as saying, "On a pure traffic volume basis, the 360 generated more online interest on the 23rd, than either the PlayStation 3 or Wii commanded on their respective launch days, making one thing clear - the Amazon promotion was the Xbox 360's Launch 2.0."

It might be the oldest of the next-gen consoles, but Amazon’s promotion showed the 360 is still a hot item. With a new HD-DVD add on, downloadable content, Gears of War and the Halo franchise, this doesn’t surprise.

The 360s been around long enough to have most of its bugs worked out, it’s priced right in the middle (with the Amazon promotion being the exception) and it has some powerhouse titles to boot. These things, along with availability, are no doubt combining to pique interest this holiday season.

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